Verena Düttmann
Psychological psychotherapist
After studying psychology in Cologne and Berlin, Verena completed her training as a psychotherapist with a focus on behavioural therapy for adults and further training in relaxation techniques. During this period of training, she worked in various clinics and institutions specialising in post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and addiction, before finally joining a group practice where she treated her own patients. In 2020, she joined the Content and Research team at HelloBetter as a psychotherapist. Her tasks here include creating course content, presenting the YouTube series “On the couch with …” and advising on various projects across different teams. Verena also writes articles for the HelloBetter blog as well as professional articles that are primarily aimed at readers in the medical and psychotherapeutic fields.
Verena's motivation:
“For me, writing posts for our blog is about making knowledge accessible and understandable to everyone; triggering discussions and new ways of thinking; helping people in their present situation with concrete tips. That always gives me fresh motivation.”
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