We are HelloBetter

Our vision? To make effective psychological support accessible to everyone – 
at zero cost, with no waiting lists.

Our mission:

Mental health matters to all of us. Cases of mental illness are rising year after year. 
Yet help is often hard to find and waiting lists are long.

We believe it’s time for change.

Psychological support free of charge and right away

That’s what we offer people with our online therapy programmes on prescription. Our programmes are certified as Digital Health Applications (DiGA) and are therefore 100% covered by health insurance in Germany. They address a wide range of mental health concerns, from stress and burnout to panic attacks, sleep disorders and much more. So finally those affected can get the psychological support they so urgently need.

Our team of psychotherapists and psychologists

A key component of the HelloBetter online therapy programmes are trained psychologists and psychotherapists. All course participants receive support from a qualified psychologist who provides written feedback after each completed course unit, and participants can also use the chat function to reach out with any questions.

Bye-bye stigma

People suffering from mental illness still experience discrimination on a daily basis. At HelloBetter, we strive to overcome stigma and break taboos surrounding mental health. As a company, we stand for diversity, acceptance, feminism and equality. As well as supporting those affected with our online therapy programmes, we give them a voice on our social networks and in the media.

From research to enterprise

First came the science, then an online solution to narrow the gap in mental health care.

The company was founded in 2015 by psychologists Prof. Dr. David Ebert, Dr. Hanne Horvath and Dr. Elena Heber, based on many years of university research. Together, they established the company to make this new form of psychological support accessible to everyone.


DiGA online therapy courses on prescription


people helped – and counting!


clinical studies (RCT)

From vision to reality:

From university research to successful Digital Health Application creator.
This is our journey:


The first therapy programmes is developed as a psychological research project at the University of Lüneburg.


The company is founded as the GET.ON Institute for Online Health Training GmbH and enters into a partnership with BARMER health insurance.


Name change: GET.ON becomes HelloBetter and launches its free programme of psychological support during the Covid pandemic: “Calm through the crisis” together with Allianz.


Three online therapy programmes from HelloBetter are approved as Digital Health Applications (DiGA). HelloBetter Panic comes top in a comparative test by the consumer association Stiftung Warentest.


Three more HelloBetter online therapy programmes are authorised by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) as Digital Health Applications (DiGA). This makes them available free of charge on prescription for everyone with statutory health insurance.


With a total of six Digital Health Applications (DiGA), HelloBetter is among Germany’s leading DiGA creators.

Our research team has received the following awards:

Our founders:

Prof. Dr. David Ebert

Gründer & Chief Scientific Officer

Prof. Dr. David Daniel Ebert completed his doctorate in psychology with summa cum laude at the Philipps-Universität Marburg in 2013 and his habilitation at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, where he has been head of the Digital Health department to this day. He is president of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) and has published over 160 scientific articles and written over 20 book chapters. At HelloBetter, David is responsible for scientific quality assurance, among other things.

Dr. Hanne Horvath

Gründerin & Chief Commercial Officer

Dr. Hanne Horvath completed her doctorate in psychology in 2016 as part of the GET.ON research project at Leuphana University Lüneburg and was awarded the Wilhelm Exner Prize for Psychology for her work. At HelloBetter, Hanne is responsible for Business Development & Services and is in charge of expanding our cooperation with health insurance companies and providing psychological support for our courses. Hanne received her diploma in psychology from the University of Trier.

Dr. Elena Heber

Gründerin & Chief Clinical Officer, Geschäftsführerin

Dr. Elena Heber completed her doctorate in psychology in 2016 as part of the GET.ON research project at Leuphana University Lüneburg and was awarded the university's transfer prize for her work. She is responsible for the development and evaluation of HelloBetter's digital health applications and heads the Content & Research department. Elena received her diploma in psychology from the University of Konstanz and worked as a research fellow at the University of Southampton.

Hannes Klöpper

Gründer & Chief Executive Officer, Geschäftsführer

Hannes Klöpper is responsible for corporate strategy and financing. Prior to this, he was co-founder and CEO of the start-up iversity (now part of Springer Nature), an online platform specializing in higher education and continuing education, and co-author of the book "Die Universität im 21. Jahrhundert". He studied International Relations at the Technische Universität Dresden, Liberal Arts at the European College of Liberal Arts, and Public Policy at the Hertie School in Berlin and Columbia University in New York.

Philip Ihde

Chief Operating Officer, Geschäftsführer

Philip is responsible for the areas of finance, HR, regulatory affairs, and legal matters. He was most recently Head of Finance and Operations at Media4Care GmbH, a Munich-based tech start-up that develops a tablet solution for dementia patients. After his studies, he worked for BMW in Beijing and New York for a period of time and then took over as Managing Director of ROCK YOUR LIFE! GmbH, a nationwide, voluntary mentoring network. He studied Technology Management at the Technical University of Munich. 

Pierre Cantegril

Chief Product Officer

Pierre is responsible for product concept and design. Previously, he was responsible for these topics as Head of Product at 8fit, a leading fitness app startup. Before that, he was initially CPO and then Managing Director of the B2B business unit of MONOQI. Pierre studied management at the LSE and HEC.

Amit Gupta

Chief Technology Officer

Amit is responsible for technical product development and infrastructure. Before joining the HelloBetter team, he was Director of Engineering at Curo Healthcare Technologies Pvt. Ltd., a solution for diabetes patients that helps them adhere to their treatment plan. Prior to that, he was a Senior Engineer at Quovantis Technologies. Amit studied Engineering and Information Technology at Maharshi Dayanand University.

Saman Hashemian

Chief Marketing Officer

Saman is responsible for marketing and patient growth at HelloBetter. Over the past 12 years, he has helped various startups such as Delivery Hero, Babbel, and 8fit grow. Most recently, Saman built his own healthcare startup in the field of holistic care for chronically ill people. He is convinced of the power of digital care to support medicine. He completed his Master's in International Management in Rotterdam (RSM) and Stockholm (SSE).

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