Pioneering E-health start-up GET.ON starts the new year with the new name and its first round of financing
Berlin, January 13, 2020 – GET.ON Institut, the digital health start-up for online psychotherapy from
Hamburg is moving to Berlin and announces that going forward it will operate under the name
At the same time, the company which has been bootstrapped on the basis of a white-label
solution since 2015 announced a new management team as well as its first round of funding to
develop its own digital infrastructure, including a smartphone app.
HelloBetter was founded as a university spin-off under the name GET.ON Institut and has from the
outset aimed for becoming part of the standard of care paid for by public and private health insurance
companies in Germany and beyond. In 2019 the academic core team of three founders Prof. Dr. David
Daniel Ebert, Dr. Hanne Horvath and Dr. Elena Heber, was expanded to 30 people, including a new
management team of experienced executives from the start-up industry.
Hannes Klöpper, co-founder and long-time managing director of the education platform iversity,
becomes CEO, Philip Ihde, previously responsible for finance and operations at the Munich-based
health tech start-up Media4Care takes over operations area as COO, Pierre Cantegril, most recently
product manager for the internationally successful fitness app 8Fit becomes VP Product, Johannes
Schatz, experienced online marketing expert and former Co-CMO of Groupon International leads the
marketing team and Amit Gupta, who led the development Curo Health in India, a platform for the care
of diabetes patients, will develop HelloBetter’s technology platform.
At its core, HelloBetter provides an easy to access online course offering for people with various
mental health conditions. In addition to these online trainings the company offers professional
psychological support. Mental health problems such as depression, insomnia, stress, panic disorders
and the like can thus be effectively treated online. HelloBetter’s founders have been researching and
developing digital solutions for the treatment of mental health problems for over 12 years. HelloBetter
is currently offering eleven online training courses in eight problem areas. More than 25,000 patients
have already participated across all of the trainings on offer.
“All of our psychological trainings have been proven to be effective in at least one of over 30
randomised-controlled trails on treatment effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. HelloBetter thus has
the world’s largest range of evidence-based, demonstrably effective online health training courses,”
says CSO Prof. Dr. David Daniel Ebert. “With our training courses and the long-standing, successful
cooperation with one of Germany’s leading health insurance companies, BARMER [10 million insured],
we have created a solid basis for future growth,” added founder Dr. Hanne Horvath who will be
responsible for business development in the new team structure.
The company raised funding a convertible note in late summer of 2019 to execute the transformation
revealed today. A larger round of financing is currently in preparation in which a Hamburg-based
holding company, a consortium of business angels and the Munich-based Ideamed health care group
are expected to participate.
CEO Hannes Klöpper, is optimistic. “In addition to our own technology infrastructure, including a
smartphone app, we plan to expand and deepen our collaboration with health insurance companies.
As part of the Digital Care Act, HelloBetter is seeking approval from the Federal Institute for Drugs and
Medical Devices (BfArM) in order to be able to offer a flexible, location-independent, psychotherapeutic care offering to everyone with statutory health insurance in the second half of this
year. ”
About HelloBetter
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