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10 things we can do to deal with stress in the time of coronavirus

The current coronavirus pandemic poses major challenges for all of us. The change in our life circumstances and the associated stress, worries, and fears can have a significant impact on our well-being. We all have to be careful not to neglect our mental health while protecting our physical health. We’ve collected 10 concrete tips for you, which can help you to do something for your inner balance over the coming weeks.

1. Take active care of your well-being 

Due to restrictions in public life or even quarantine, many of the things we previously did for ourselves are suddenly no longer possible. We humans are creatures of habit. So take the time to create new good habits. What can you do every day to make sure that you feel good? If possible, consciously plan these ‘power givers’, as we call them, into your daily routine.

2. Be intentional about your news consumption 

Take a break from watching, reading or listening to the news, including social media. Hearing about the pandemic over and over again can be confusing and fuel unnecessary anxiety. For example, set aside regular times to watch the news and give your brain a rest in between.

3. Don’t let yourself be infected by fear

It’s not just the coronavirus that is highly infectious, but also the fears of those around us. Observe carefully whether a conversation does you good or whether you start to feel uncomfortable. You can always consciously change the subject or explain that you are too concerned about the subject to discuss it further. 

4. Maintain a fixed routine in your home office or quarantine

Suddenly our days are full of unplanned time. It is tempting to stay awake longer, to sleep in late, or to work in pyjamas. Why does it seem like a holiday at first, but after a while feels more like a burden? A lack of regularity is difficult for the brain. It no longer knows when it is time to be awake, to go to sleep, to work, or to go into leisure mode. Help your brain by establishing fixed routines. Establish set times for getting up, working, and leisure. If you are working from home, it can be helpful to get dressed in the morning as if you were going to the office and slip into something comfy after work.       

5. Take time for active relaxation  

Many of us are now experiencing daily tension and increasing stress levels, whether due to changes at work, general worries, or cabin fever. When people are tense, stressors such as concerning news, are perceived even more negatively, causing even more stress. What can you do to relax? Exercise is a good tool to reduce stress, and yoga, meditation, and walks in nature have also been proven effective. During exercise such as yoga or pilates, we focus our attention on the breath and also give the mind a rest.

6. Stay in motion

Due to the current restrictions, our level of movement is decreasing. However, the body not only needs movement to function optimally, but also to reduce stress and tension. Exercise helps reduce stress hormones and flush them out of the body – it can therefore make the stressful situation a little more bearable. Concentrating on the body can also be a welcome distraction.

7. Do useful things

If you have more time in your everyday life because of the corona crisis, you can make sure that you use it as sensibly as possible. It is tempting to sit in front of the TV or computer and let yourself become bored. Of course, this is perfectly fine in moderation. But if this consumption gets out of hand, it’s better to fill the gaps with something productive.

For example, is there something you have always wanted to do? It could be anything: learning a foreign language, writing a book, making a business plan, starting an online exercise program, or putting together recipes for healthy eating.

8. Support others

A very effective strategy for distracting yourself from your own worries is to help others. Here too, of course, there are limitations at present. However, support can also include listening. Maybe you have a family member or friend who is suffering from the current situation – why not ask them how they are doing? During public restrictions many of us also spend less money every day. You may want to consider how much you are saving per week and donate this amount to a cause that is close to your heart – this can lift your spirits and give a positive contribution to the crisis. 

9. Get in contact with others

Talk to people you trust about your thoughts and feelings. Try to support each other. There are many different ways to stay in contact with others. In our Facebook group you can vent your worries, share your strategies, and tell us what you do to make you feel good. You can also talk to our qualified psychologists. 

10. Get support

When the stress becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek support! As a first step, for example, telephone counselling services can be helpful. You can reach the German Telefonseelsorge toll-free at 0800 111 0111.  

We at HelloBetter have set up a free hotline where you can talk to our psychologists and psychotherapists. You can reach them from Monday to Sunday, 8am to 8pm, on 0800 000 3345.

If you need more support, a psychotherapist can also help you. If you are already in therapy, your therapist may be able to carry out your treatment by video. Just ask.

Some new psychotherapies that are financed by health insurance companies cannot yet legally be carried out by video. We will inform you via our channels of any changes in this regard.

There are many psychologists who offer support via online medicine platforms. Many platforms offer a free initial consultation. Individual providers who offer online support can be found on the website of the Health Innovation Hub of the BMG:

We know that all these things are easier said than done. In order to continue to support you in maintaining your well-being, our experienced team of expert psychologists and psychotherapists will be posting articles on our blog in the coming weeks on how you can integrate these tips, along with other proven psychological strategies, into your new everyday life.

We would also like to hear from you about how you are coping with this difficult situation. What do you have in mind and what tips can you give others for when stress becomes overwhelming? You can share your thoughts here, or in our Facebook group, which we have set up especially to support one another.

Stay healthy and wash your hands, but also take care of your mental well-being!

Your HelloBetter Team

#Home together #Hand washing for the soul #HelloBetter

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