
Stress is an unwelcome guest that everyone has encountered at one time or another. In the articles in this category you will learn where stress originates, what causes it to stick around, and how to let it go. You will also learn to pay attention to the signs of burnout.

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Title image: Woman wondering about burnout phases

What Are the Stages of Burnout?

This article will give you an overview of the different phases of burnout. We also show how you can turn this knowledge to your advantage.
Title image: Stressed woman wondering how to calm down

How Do I Calm Myself Down?

Being able to calm yourself down is a valuable skill. In this article, you will learn how to hone this skill of self-soothing and how it will benefit you.
Title image: A person feeling drained at work

I’m Feeling Drained, What Can I Do?

Read on to find out how the feeling of being drained arises and discover four methods you can apply to regain your energy.
Title image: Man feeling overwhelmed in home office
Exercise included

5 Tips For When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

Are you stressed and wondering how you will ever stop feeling overwhelmed? We have compiled 5 helpful tips for you in this blog article.
Title image: Woman experiencing chronic stress

Acute and Chronic Stress: Understanding and Prevention

Is all stress alike? We’ll tell you about the differences between acute and chronic stress, what causes them, and how to deal with them.
Title image: Man experiencing stress at work

Stress at Work – When Your Job Drives You to Breaking Point

Workplace stress can have many causes. But how can you actively counteract these causes? We'll tell you in this article.
Titelbild: Ich kann nicht mehr

“I Can’t Take It Anymore” – What to Do When You Can’t Go On

Are you feeling overwhelmed and don’t know which way to turn? Well you’re not alone – read on to find out what can help you when you are at your wits’ end.
Burnout vorbeugen Titelbild

How to Prevent Burnout

Do you feel stressed and exhausted? Are you worried that you might be on the verge of burnout? Our practical tips can help you boost your energy levels on a daily basis.
Exercise included

I Feel Stressed and I Don’t Know Why – What Can I Do?

What is stress?Stress is an elevated level of tension. Because the body and the mind are not independent of one another, physical stress has an impact on our psychological experience and vice versa. We can identify psychological tension in racing thoughts, feeling ill at ease and being irritable. But there…
Einsam in Corona Krise

Lonely in Times of Corona? These 3 Tips Can Help!

The coronavirus crisis has made many people feel uncertain, uncomfortable and afraid. How do we normally cope with these feelings? We turn to people we love, ask for a big hug or try to distract ourselves with shopping trips, going to the cinema or meeting colleagues for a beer…
Fear & panic

What Gives us Strength in the Corona Crisis

The coronavirus has caught us all completely off guard. Politicians and health care professionals must suddenly take measures that have far-reaching consequences for our everyday lives. Quick action is required, we have to adapt and arrange ourselves, while our fears and worries are constantly running in the background. In order…
Mann in der Corona Krise

Corona Crisis: 10 Things We Can Do to Deal With Stress in the Time of Coronavirus

1. Take active care of your well-being Due to restrictions in public life or even quarantine, many of the things we previously did for ourselves are suddenly no longer possible. We humans are creatures of habit. So take the time to create new good habits. What can you do every day…