Fear & panic
Our uncomfortable companions fear, anxiety and panic can severely restrict our everyday lives. In these articles we explain how they arise. We also show you how you can take fear by the hand in order to ultimately overcome it.All articles on the topic

Fear & panic
Displacement, Trauma and First Aid for Those Affected by War
What can people affected by war and displacement do to strengthen their mental health? We offer support with a first aid brochure for those concerned.

Haunted by Fear of the Future? How to Overcome It
Are you looking to the future with anxiety? Read on to find out how such fears develop and how to deal with them in a helpful way.

Fear & panic
7 Strategies for Managing Fear and Anxiety
What is fear? According to US psychologist Paul Ekman, fear is one of seven universal emotions – meaning it’s a significant component of human existence and is found in all cultures around the world. The other six universal emotions according to Ekman are anger, disgust, sadness, contempt, enjoyment and surprise. Simply, this…
Lonely in Times of Corona? These 3 Tips Can Help!
The coronavirus crisis has made many people feel uncertain, uncomfortable and afraid. How do we normally cope with these feelings? We turn to people we love, ask for a big hug or try to distract ourselves with shopping trips, going to the cinema or meeting colleagues for a beer…
Fear & panic
What Gives us Strength in the Corona Crisis
The coronavirus has caught us all completely off guard. Politicians and health care professionals must suddenly take measures that have far-reaching consequences for our everyday lives. Quick action is required, we have to adapt and arrange ourselves, while our fears and worries are constantly running in the background. In order…
Fear & panic
Fear and Corona: 6 ways to deal with fear of the coronavirus
The coronavirus continues to spread. Political measures to control the situation and contain the disease are becoming more drastic every day. But controlling nature is like jumping up and down to overcome gravity: no matter how hard we try, it just doesn’t work. When it comes to the coronavirus,…
Fear & panic
Panic and Coronavirus – Should we Really be Afraid?
The coronavirus is spreading. Every day there are new infected people in more countries and cities, dramatic headlines, reports and postings in the social media. If you hear someone coughing on public transport, a kind of spontaneous quarantine takes place, with all bystanders moving away, toilet paper and pasta…