Psychological support

A qualified psychologist accompanies you during the course.

Flexible self-study

You can study at your own pace, from home or on the go.

High data protection standards

Strictest health data protection and certified data security according to ISO 27001.

Reduce the impacts of pain with HelloBetter

  • Course duration: 12 weeks
  • Free on prescription in Germany
  • Online and via mobile app

This course is suitable for you if…

    • you suffer from chronic pain.
    • the pain often stops you from doing things you want.
    • your mood and quality of life are affected.
    • you’re open to a new approach that can change the way you experience pain.

How our online therapy course works

  • Ansicht der Kursübersicht von HelloBetter Chronische Schmerzen
    Course units

    A total of 7 online course units, each lasting around an hour, which you can complete at your own pace over 12 weeks.

  • Ansicht des Tagebuchs im Chronische Schmerzen Therapiekurs

    Record your course progress in your diary, observe changes in your mood and plan meaningful activities.

  • Ansicht verschiedener Lerninhalte im Chronische Schmerzen Therapiekurs
    Psychological content

    The course caters to every learning style with a mixture of texts, videos, audio content and practical exercises.

With the different methods you learn:

    • to understand pain with the help of interactive exercises, audio content and videos.
    • how thoughts, feelings and behavior influence your experience of pain.
    • how you can reduce the impact of chronic pain on your everyday life.
    • how to take control of your life rather than letting pain control you. 
    • how mindfulness and acceptance can help improve your quality of life. 
    • how your personal values can be used to make your daily life feel more meaningful.

Proven to reduce the impact of chronic pain

Our online therapy course is based on acceptance and commitment therapy. It was developed by experts in psychotherapy and psychology, with input from people living with chronic pain. The course was proven effective in a clinical study:

  • The impact of chronic pain on participants’ quality of life was significantly reduced. This effect could still be observed after 6 and 12 months.
  • Participants also experienced their pain as less intense and were more able to process and accept it. 
  • Participants’ quality of life significantly improved. 
  • 88% of participants with chronic pain would recommend the course to a friend.

The effectiveness of the course was confirmed in a second randomised controlled trial. 

A peek inside the course units

1. Living, not fighting:
1. Living, not fighting:

How do you cope with pain and why is it hard to find strategies that work? You’ll find out in the first course unit.

2. Letting go:
2. Letting go:

In this unit you’ll learn about mindfulness and acceptance. You’ll also get to know two different kinds of pain.

3. Observing thoughts:
3. Observing thoughts:

Pain isn’t just a physical experience – it also has a mental component. You’ll learn helpful approaches for coping with painful thoughts.

4. Get to know yourself:
4. Get to know yourself:

You’re not the person you think. Let us show you how this realisation can improve your quality of life.

5. Explore your values:
5. Explore your values:

What’s important to you in life and how can you stand by these values, despite living with chronic pain? In this unit we’ll find out together.

6. Living well:
6. Living well:

Did you know there’s a formula for better quality of life called the ACT Formula? You’ve already learned all the building blocks during the course. Now you’ll learn how to use the formula in your daily life.

7. Plan your future:
7. Plan your future:

You’ve achieved a lot over the past few weeks. In this last unit, we’ll discuss how you can make sure your new habits stick long-term.

What our users say

Over 120,000 people have completed our online therapy courses to date.
Tanja (30)
Tanja (30)

I’m so happy that I’ve finally got my lust for life back! I’d recommend this course to anyone who has chronic pain or occasional attacks of pain. It’s a challenge to open up to a mental health course like this, but it’s totally worth it.

Tobi (27)
Tobi (27)

I’m really excited about the course. I already have a long journey behind me with doctors, clinics, etc. They all approached chronic pain in the same way and their advice started to sound like a broken record. Here it’s completely different. I’m learning new things that I had no idea about before, that are helping me to approach my chronic pain differently in my day-to-day life. It’s exactly what was missing for so long. I’m so grateful to be able to take part in the course.

Ute (64)
Ute (64)

At first I wasn’t sure that the course would help me. I’ve already tried so many things – doctors, therapists… But I have to say, it’s done me a lot of good and has changed my attitude. I’m definitely going to keep at it. I really recommend the course. Even though it was all digital, I felt very supported and guided towards the right path for me.

Johann (58)
Johann (58)

This online therapy course doesn’t just discuss the physical aspects of pain, but approaches it from many different points of view. I thought this broad perspective was really great.

Elisa (32)
Elisa (32)

Thanks to this online course, I’m finally feeling better. It helped me to change my perspective and shake up my routines.

Media mentions:

Do you have questions?

We’re here to help! Call or chat on WhatsApp with our psychologists.