Stress Management
- 8 Weeks
- Prevention
- Sprachen: DE / ENLanguages: English / German
Our online course for successful stress management. Over a period of 8 weeks, you’ll learn effective strategies for coping with stress. Among other things, you’ll learn how to solve your problems step by step, how to relax more effectively, and how to reduce the burden of unpleasant thoughts and feelings.

Your online course for coping with stress
- 8 Weeks
- Prevention
- Sprachen: DE / ENLanguages: English / German
Our HelloBetter Stress Management course is backed by more scientific evidence than any other online course of its kind worldwide and has proven its effectiveness in reducing people’s stress levels.
What to expect
You will work through a total of 8 online course units, all based on proven cognitive-behavioural therapy strategies. The course units each take around an hour to complete and are easy to fit around your daily life. We therefore recommend that you work through one unit each week.
Our clear and effective exercises will help you to identify, reduce and prevent your personal stress triggers and symptoms. You will learn how to strengthen your problem-solving skills and find a practical way to deal with stressful thoughts and feelings, so you will experience stressful situations more positively and lastingly reduce your stress levels.
This course is suitable for you if...
- you feel stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed in your everyday life.
- you are facing problems that you feel unable to manage.
- you often feel down and you are becoming increasingly withdrawn.
- professional or personal worries are impacting your quality of life.
How our online course works
Our effective online courses are carefully structured and combined with useful features to give you the best possible support.
- Dashboard Get an overview of all important components of your course and track your progress.
- Course overview A total of 8 online course units, each lasting around an hour, that you can easily fit around your daily life.
- Diary Keep track of your experience of stress and get feedback on your entries.
- Example content With texts, videos, audio content and exercises, the course holds plenty of variety, as well as being effective.
Receive written feedback from a qualified psychologist upon completion of each unit.
Effective strategies to help you prevent stress and cope with acute levels of stress.
Learn online, practise offline: effective exercises for your daily life.
Manage stress with HelloBetter
Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed or irritable – stress can show itself in all sorts of ways. It can also have a mental and physical impact in the form of worries, sleep problems, headaches or tension, any of which may impair our wellbeing.
In a number of clinical studies, our Stress Management course has demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing stress symptoms over a sustained period.
With the different methods you learn:
- to identify your personal stress triggers.
- to recognise individual problems and find appropriate solutions.
- to plan more positive activities in your everyday life.
- how to become more relaxed.
- to find a practical way to deal with unpleasant feelings.
- to support yourself and strengthen your self-worth.
Proven to reduce feelings of stress
The online Stress Management course was developed by experts from science, psychotherapy and psychology, incorporating input from people who suffer from stress. The effectiveness of the course has been examined and confirmed in several randomised controlled trials.
- The participants reported an average 38% reduction in their experience of stress.
- Over 91% of the study participants would recommend the course to others.
- The long-term effects of the online course are comparable to those of in-person psychotherapy.
Effectiveness of the online course
The effectiveness of our online Stress Management course has been proven in these six clinical studies:
Web-based and mobile stress management intervention for employees: A randomized controlled trial.
Internet- and Mobile-based Stress Management for Employees with Adherence-focused Guidance: Efficacy and Mechanism of Change.
A health economic outcome evaluation of an internet-based mobile-supported stress management intervention for employees.
Self-guided Internet- and mobile-based stress management for employees utilizing problem solving and emotion regulation skills: Results of a randomized controlled trial.
Participate in the course:
Stress Management
Check whether your health insurance will cover the costs for the HelloBetter course.
Your health insurance company is currently not listed. We will inform you by email If there are new reimbursable courses from your health insurance company.
Our Fit in Stress course bears the seal of the German Testing Center Prevention (ZPP) and is therefore reimbursed up to 100% by almost all statutory health insurance companies.
*includes 19% VAT
*Activation within 1-2 business days
- mit motivierender Begleitungwith motivating support
- wissenschaftlich überprüftscientifically tested
- zeitlich flexibelflexible timing
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"Your online course for coping with stress"
"Your online course for coping with stress"
Kostenfreier Zugang inkl. intensivem Coaching für Versicherte der Landwirtschaftlichen Alterskasse und Landwirtschaftlichen Krankenkasse. Bitte melde dich im Telezentrum der SVLFG telefonisch: 0561-785 10512 oder per E-Mail (, um einen Zugangscode zu erhalten.
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"Your online course for coping with stress"
"Your online course for coping with stress"
Free access including intensive coaching for those insured with SVLFG. Please call the SVLFG telecenter: 0561-785 10512 or contact by e-mail ( to receive an access code.
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"Your online course for coping with stress"
"Your online course for coping with stress"
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So startest du dein Training
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"Your online course for coping with stress"
"Your online course for coping with stress"
As one of our partners, Allianz health insurance covers four of our courses. To register, you need a voucher code, which you will receive from your Allianz contact person.
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"Your online course for coping with stress"
"Your online course for coping with stress"
For more information, please contact your experts at sante24, the SWICA telemedicine provider.
So startest du dein Training
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"Your online course for coping with stress"
"Your online course for coping with stress"
As an Axa CH insured you get a discount on all HelloBetter courses. All you have to do is redeem the voucher code that you received from your health insurance company.
Gutschein jetzt einlösen
So funktioniert die Erstattung durch deine Krankenkasse.
This is how the reimbursement by your health insurance company works.
"Your online course for coping with stress"
"Your online course for coping with stress"
Unser Fit im Stress Training trägt das Siegel der Zentralen Prüfstelle Prävention (ZPP) und wird somit von fast allen gesetzlichen Krankenkassen teilerstattet.
Die Kostenübernahme erfolgt per Erstattungsverfahren. Das bedeutet, dass du die Kursgebühren erst einmal selbst trägst. Nach dem Kurs kannst du eine Teilnahmebestätigung bei deiner Krankenkasse einreichen, um die Kosten erstattet zu bekommen. Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass du den Kurs zu 100% abgeschlossen hast.
Beantrage deine Teilnahmebestätigung nach Trainingsende problemlos bei uns unter
Our Fit im Stress Training bears the seal of the Central Test Centre for Prevention (ZPP) and is therefore partially reimbursed by almost all statutory health insurance companies.
The costs are covered by reimbursement procedures. This means that you have to pay the course fees yourself first. After the course, you can submit a confirmation of participation to your health insurance company to get the costs reimbursed. The prerequisite is that you have completed 100% of the course.
After the end of the course, you can easily apply for your confirmation of participation at