Personal support

A qualified psychologist accompanies you during the course.

Immediate help

Start the online course without waiting time.

High data protection standards

Strictest health data protection and certified data security according to ISO 27001.

Deal with burnout with HelloBetter

  • Duration: 12 weeks
  • Free on prescription in Germany
  • Online and via app

This course is suitable for you if…

    • you feel stressed, exhausted and overwhelmed in everyday life
    • your ability to concentrate and your performance are deteriorating
    • you feel very detached or indifferent towards your work
    • you often feel down and you are becoming increasingly withdrawn
    • professional or personal worries are impacting your quality of life
    • you have trouble sleeping and feel very tired during the day

Proven to reduce stress levels

HelloBetter Stress and Burnout course is backed by more scientific evidence than any other online course worldwide for dealing with stress. The effectiveness has been scientifically verified in various clinical studies.

  • The stress levels of the participants were a third lower on average immediately after completing the course.
  • This effect could still be observed half a year after the course began.
  • The long-term effects of the online course are thus comparable to those of face-to-face psychotherapy.
  • Over 90% of the study participants would recommend the online course to a friend.

How our online course works

  • Course units

    A total of 8 online course units, each lasting around an hour, that you can easily fit around your daily life.

  • Diary

    Keep track of your mood and stress level and get personal feedback on your entries.

  • Psychological content

    With texts, videos, audio content and exercises, the course holds plenty of variety, as well as being effective.


  • Mit unterschiedlichen Methoden lernst du:

    • dein Stresslevel nachhaltig und wirksam zu senken
    • deine persönlichen Stressauslöser wahrzunehmen und bewusst für Entspannung zu sorgen
    • was deine Kraftgeber sind und wie du sie nutzt, um deine Stimmung zu verbessern
    • wie du es schaffst, Probleme gezielt anzugehen und sie erfolgreich zu bewältigen
    • wie du selbst mit unlösbaren Problemen umgehen kannst
    • wie unangenehme Gefühle und Gedanken dich weniger belasten
    • was Selbstfürsorge ist, wie sie funktioniert und du sie sofort umsetzen kannst


  • In 8 optionalen Wahlmodulen kannst du unter anderem lernen:

    • deine Schlafqualität nachhaltig zu verbessern
    • Zeitdiebe zu erkennen und deine Work-Life-Balance zu stärken
    • Grübelgedanken zu stoppen und nach der Arbeit besser abschalten zu können
    • langfristig gesunde Gewohnheiten aufzubauen
    • wie du lernen kannst, deine Beziehungen zu anderen Menschen zu stärken und gemeinsame Lösungen zu finden

Du möchtest weitere Beratung oder Hilfe auf dem Weg zu deinem kostenfreien HelloBetter-Rezept?
Wir helfen dir gerne.
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What our users say

Over 120,000 people have completed our online courses to date.
Martin 37

“Most of my symptoms have completely disappeared or have improved significantly – and that within just a few weeks!”

Vanessa 24

“HelloBetter is a good alternative to conventional therapy that hardly puts any additional strain on you, but can bring about a big positive change in your life in just a few weeks. You can only win here!”

Sam 34

“What I like about Hellobetter is that I can do the course independently of appointments and at my own pace. I could start it immediately, so without waiting, and I can do something for myself and my well-being in a self-effective way.”

Peter 49

“This form of counselling is very well suited to recognize your situation and to find out ways how to cope with the situation. I wish you that you will put many more on the right path, it has definitely helped me, keep it up!”

Media mentions:

Do you have questions?

We’re here to help! Call or chat on WhatsApp with our psychologists.


The effectiveness of our course has been proven in various scientific studies. Study report: "Online training for occupational stress management". The study report of this study can be found here:

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